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Discounted Society Membership $80 $155
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Members Outside of the US: Additional shipping/handling charges to mail publications apply: $15/year for ARCHAEOLOGY, $30/year for AJA, $45/year for both. Please review the dues instruction at the top of the payment portal page to calculate your full payment.
ARCHAEOLOGY Electronic Subscriptions: The magazine is available in electronic format (email required). Please write that you prefer the electronic version in the “notes” section of the online payment portal. If you wish to change your subscription, please contact the AIA’s Membership Office.
AJA Electronic Subscriptions: The American Journal of Archaeology offers an electronic subscription option. If you wish to change your subscription or start a new electronic or combo subscription, please contact the AIA’s Membership Office.
All prices are in U.S. dollars. The membership contribution portion of each level is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Publications are not tax-deductible as contributions but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Memberships are nonrefundable except for the portion applied to ARCHAEOLOGY magazine. All profits of ARCHAEOLOGY magazine support the Institute. $16.00 of your annual membership dues are allocated for a 1-year subscription to ARCHAEOLOGY magazine; published six times per year.

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